Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our shame, Shallow Christianity in the Land

Recent local events in South West Nigeria should be enough grounds for concern about the real depth of Christianity in the land. Issues such as the “acid rain” scare, “Mini-skirt and hell” vision, and now “Erelu Agbaye” show that most Church goers are yet far from understanding what the Christian faith is all about. In the most recent event, one wonders how a self-confessed occultist, without any conversion experience (e.g. repentance, discipleship) could just turn into a celebrity evangelist overnight with massive followership. Claiming to have been “the most powerful woman in the world”, she has only one basic message. In an admixture of occultic folklores and incoherent, easily disproved data, she directly cast aspersion on the integrity of proven and well-respected teachers of the Word; who are in one swipe mixed together with known charlatants like Temitope Joshua of the Synagogue.

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