Monday, September 3, 2018

Jan Markell: Haven't We Waited Long Enough?

The malady goes by many names: End-time weariness; Rapture fatigue; Israel burn-out. The results are the same: The scoffers and skeptics are gaining too much territory and too many followers. The fact that the King is coming is boring and just old news.
Haven't we waited long enough?  Recently I read a revealing article in The Guardian. It talks about the destruction of the new Christian progressiveness. This article suggests: End-time weariness. Rapture fatigue. Late-Great burn-out.  The Chosen People have lost their chosenness. The article in The Guardian suggests all this and more!
Add to this mix that some date-setters have been wrong. Edgar Weisenhunt and Harold Camping not only set dates, but re-set dates when nothing happened the first time!
Then came the bashers who are respected in some circles. Hank Hanegraaff said there was no Rapture to be found in the Bible. Who knew? Well, he's no Bible Answer Man to me. Lynne Hybels and World Vision teamed up to condemn Israel as almost barbaric persecutors of the Palestinians in their one-sided "Hope for the Holy Land" tours across America.  Internet broadcaster Rick Wiles consistently says that Dispensationalists and Christian Zionists are the root of the world's problems and also the church's problems. We are destroying the world.
Social justice has gained ground over good old-fashioned evangelical support for Israel and her God-given land. The under-age-40 crowd is listening to voices that are not telling the truth. They are hearing that Israel is illustrative of a new form of apartheid; that the Palestinians had their land stolen; and don't you know that the Church is the new Israel? Most reject what their parents grew up on: Israel is the apple of God's eye and the key to the end of the age.
These are just a few of many reasons why this glorious message that years ago had nearly every Christian excited that today might be the day is now a big yawn! It is now a wake-me-when-it's-over sentiment.  Add to that the fact that our churches have dropped this message!
So when stunning events take place such as the moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the aligning of the nations in the Mideast that could be a part of the Gog-Magog War, and the convergence of dozens of end-time signs, there is a collective sigh. Some will say it's déjà vu all over again. You said that 40 years ago. Nothing happened.
So the fact that things are all coming together excites only a tiny remnant who will never grow weary of keeping their eyes on the sky! If you are among them, hang in there. He is coming soon and Israel remains the apple of God's eye!

Join us at Church Arise! Secretariat on Saturday September 29 for livestreaming of Jan Markel’s  "Understanding the Times 2018" Conference. From 2:30 pm Nigerian Time.  Gate is FREE.

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