the transgender mania will have to reach its peak and begin to backfire some
day, sooner than later!
Transgenderism, a subset of the homosexual
lobby trying to grey out the differences between the male and female genders,
is one clear manifestation of the dramatic impacts of belief in the evolution
theory. Unfortunately, too many people
suppose the evolution theory is nothing more than mere theoretical academic
Denying the existence of an all-wise
perfect Creator, transgenders insist they are trapped in the wrong physical
bodies, by errors of evolution. Thus, we
have some ladies claiming they have just discovered that they are men in every
other way, except for the feminine bodies they inhabit, and vice-versa. And the militant egg-heads professing the
theory of evolution in the Universities, are very vocal in cooking up
scientific credence for such pitiable confusion. Quashed are common sense, and
even myriads of factual scientific evidences, (see a recent one here
that clearly confirm transgenders are in abnormal mental state.
We reported in Vol 17 Quarter 4 the ensuing
confusions as groups of men barged in into the Twilight Room Annex bar in
Portland and requested to use the ladies restroom, claiming that, contrary to
their physical macho appearance, they are actually ladies inside ( That event not only led to some physical
altercation, but left a fine of $400,000 on the head of bar owner, Chris
Penner, for denying due rights to the 11 transgenders.
In the case of transgender Wyatt Maines, the
school authority actually recognized “her” new identity and conceded “she”
could be using the female Staff restroom.
“She” however insisted on using the female students restroom like every
other female student. For their
hesitation to concede that ground, the Court found the school district irresponsible
and fined it a whooping $75,000. (
But what amounted to trickles of
stand-offs between rights-demanding transgenders and the rest of society is now
turning into torrents. And western
societies, enlightened as they have become, keep making concessions that
primitive, less enlightened societies must find baffling.
The latest report is from New York where
failure to respect the ever bourgeoning “rights” of the transgender can prove
very expensive indeed. In the new series
of rights, purposefully failing to address a transgender by his/her declared
title could attract as much as a fine of 250,000 dollars!
Some of these rights are clearly specified
in the
new “guidelines” from The New York City Commission on Human
Rights (NYCHRL). One states that “the
NYCHR requires employers and covered entities to use an individual’s
preferred name, pronoun and title (e.g., Ms./Mrs.) regardless of the
individual’s sex assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history,
appearance, or the sex indicated on the individual’s identification”
One immediate problem this is generating
is that some “transgender and gender non-conforming people” are evolving other
titles and pronouns of their fancy. For instance instead of the regular
he/him/his or she/her/hers, some individuals insist on being addressed using they/them/theirs or
even as ze/hir! What a tough job it must be living with a
dozen transgenders each choosing, at the pain of 250,000 dollars to me, how
they may be peculiarly addressed!
Similarly “The NYCHRL requires that individuals be permitted to use single-sex
facilities, such as bathrooms or locker rooms, and participate in single-sex
programs, consistent with their gender, regardless of their sex assigned at
birth, anatomy, medical history, appearance, or the sex indicated on their identification.”
This can only be America!
obvious question is, where would all these end!
Meanwhile, the evolutionary lobby that is
behind it all is in near frenzy, convincing more and more people of their need
to change their gender to find “fulfilment” in themselves. Feeling somewhat depressed? Consider a gender
In the UK a recent report states that
about 80 primary school pupils a year, are seeking to “transition” to another
gender! Schools who resist demands from
pupils to be treated as genders different from their physical appearance are
thoroughly lambasted and harassed into line by “experts” from Evolution
–affirming advocacy groups.
There is at least a top NGO, Mermaids
Charity, which goes about encouraging pupils – as young as four years - to try
“transitioning” as a cure to whatever psychological or social problems they are
supposed to be having. Not surprisingly, the process is becoming
self-sustaining as pupils are now reportedly recruiting other pupils. One wonders what the parents of such “pupils”
are doing, if it is fellow kids who now give counsel on overcoming “life’s
problems”! (Please see the article on
the Bodnariu family from Norway on page 1 to see what could happen to
non-conforming parents once ungodly practices as these already become
mainstream in society.)

But if
we describe as pitiful, the coaxing of children and teenagers to think they are
living in wrong bodies, and being encouraged to switch to another gender (where
of course, they are guaranteed a sterile life), how does one respond to the
case of a 52 year old married man, dumping his wife and 7 children, claiming he
is actually a six- year old girl?