article, Homosexuality And Its Enemies by well-known atheist philosopher from
University of Lagos, Dr Douglas Anele (Vanguard January 29) probably does not
deserve any rebuttal. The FG has made a firm declaration that Nigeria is not
going to suffer gladly the bullying tactics of the international homosexuality
advocacy groups, using the few local disciples they have laboured over the
years to produce. And Nigerians, all across the socio-economic, ethnic and
religious divide, have overwhelmingly responded to endorse the move of
government as representing the mind of Nigerians, so why not graciously allow
the steam-letting whining of the losing party?
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arguments marshaled by Dr Anele are the same time-worn points used all across
the world, to justify the age-long practice of homosexuality. (And of course,
they have also been used to justify the natural follow-ups to homosexuality:
pedophilia, incest, bestiality, etc!). However, Dr Anele apparently thinks them
to be original, and after copious use of abusive and foul language, (which
again could be excused) opined that those standing against homosexuality in
Nigeria are nothing but blind "hypocrites" who are incapable of
informed reasoning. He even went on to specifically label the clergy as people
who "merely indulge in lazy references to ancient superstitious beliefs
contained in various religious texts." Perhaps such an arrogant
vituperation should be answered, even if briefly, in the spirit of Proverbs
The major
point raised by Dr Anele is a lengthy argument which attempts to debunk the
existence of two discrete genders, Male and Female; postulating rather a
continuum, at which ends stand the male and female genders. In between,
supposedly, are myriads of people whose hormonal compositions and desires could
be such that despite their outward gonadal identification as either male or
female, might be naturally drawn to burn with sexual passion for members of the
same gender they are identified with. Not surprisingly, he appealed copiously
to the theory of evolution to justify this tenuous dubious point. However just
like the so-called "missing links" of Darwinian evolution theory have
remained missing, Anele's 'gender-chimeras' exist only in his mind. Even though
such continuum could conceivably exist in theory, the reality of life is that
such myriads of intermediate states are simply not stable enough to exist in
nature - that's one of the realities of the quantum nature of our world. Should
such states ever find biological expression at all, they could only be
transient phenomena. Advocates for homosexuality apparently are aware of this
much, and it is clear to the rest of us that all their desperate life-and-death
struggles are simply attempts to fan such embers wherever they might possibly
exist, into the raging destructive flame of homosexuality. Dr Anele himself
said this much in his conjectural:
'I conjecture that an
"effeminate environment" for a male child in which masculine
tendencies are not very pronounced would encourage such a child to tend towards
feminine characteristics whilst a particularly "masculine family
ambience" tends to encourage young female children to behave in a more or
less masculine manner.'
familiar with the principles of physics will easily understand that homosexual
advocates are merely trying to apply the principles of optical pumping (used in
the Laser), to a psycho-social situation! The truth of the matter is that any
tendency whatsoever (either negative as in psychopathic disorders or positive
as in being generous and friendly) could be stirred up or inhibited as desired,
according to the common good or otherwise they bring into society. This is what
society mores and value systems are all about. The fruits of homosexuality in
the larger society include no known good, but a long list of evil and destruction.
homosexuals are real people and their emotional mindset might indeed be validly
modeled as described by Dr Anele, but there could be little contention that
such people are the creation of homosexual advocacy groups, not nature. Despite
massive research efforts, no Master gene responsible for homosexuality has been
discovered. The article "The Innate-Immutable Argument Finds No Basis in
Science" published by the National Association for Research and Therapy of
Homosexuality (http://www.narth.com/menus/born.html ) quotes extensively
leading homosexuals and researchers on homosexuality, admitting the fallacy of
the theory that homosexuals are simply "born that way". On the other
hand, several research efforts have clearly identified environmental factors as
the major causes of homosexuality: factors such as early exposure to
homosexuality through numerous TV programming, through direct homosexual
assaults, or blatant invitation for children and youths to consider the
homosexual/bi-sexual way of life during 'counselling', as several so-called
reproductive rights NGOs in Nigeria are doing. Check for instance the website
of one of them, Action Health Incorporated
(http://www.actionhealthinc.org/teenzone/school/identity01.htm) to see such
encouragements and instant links to other resources worldwide all designed to
lure our youths into the destructive inferno of homosexuality and other sexual
efforts at engineering the environment in favour of homosexuality are clearly
discernible in some of the other points raised by Dr Anele in his article. For
instance, he could boldly assert (referring to uncited "emerging"
anthropological findings, but firmly ignoring the Holy Bible - at least as an
anthropological reference) that the institution of marriage is actually just
another product of evolution and has nothing to do with the Divine. Hence, in
his opinion, not only must homosexual practices be condoned, even homosexual
marriages must be applauded! But what exactly do homosexuals, who are already
co-habiting with themselves, and who are notorious for the incredible number of
sleeping partners they accumulate over the years, want to do with marriage? Of
course, the obvious answers are, first to further promote the practice of
sexual promiscuity that automatically goes with homosexuality (now the talk is
about non-monogamous marriages, such as polyamory); to further accelerate the
destruction of the institution of marriage by making it become totally
meaningless; to give further visibility and respectability to the homosexual
lifestyle; and most importantly, to facilitate the adoption of normal children
who will, of course, be easily recruited into the homosexual lifestyle later in
life and used to justify and sustain homosexuality in society.
brings us to the crucial point of what to do about homosexuality. Personally,
as a Christian, I have a commitment and responsibility to show love and
understanding to the increasing number of people being caught in the web of
this deadly disease. The question is what to do about it? Should we, as is
being advocated by people like Dr Anele and the countless foreign-sponsored
NGOs in our midst, embrace self-proclaimed homosexuals and give them the podium
to continue with their campaign to infest the minds of our youths in
particular, in their bid to attain their desired "critical mass" that
will turn them into an unstoppable movement that would engulf the rest of us?
This is already happening in South Africa which last December caved in and formally
gave official recognition to homosexuality relationships. Or should we go ahead
with the current widely applauded decision of the federal government to ban
public practice and advocacy of this lifestyle - as was done in Uganda which
last September effected a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage?
The answer is clear enough, especially as the issue being addressed is not so
much the right of individuals to do as they please in their closets, but rather
the right of the majority to a decent and sane society!
homosexuals deserve society's compassion and care. Distinction should be made
between these hapless pawns and the militant advocates for homosexuality, just
as distinction is being made between drug addicts and the barons. The existence
of, and testimonies from, several groups of people cured of homosexuality
confirm beyond rhetoric and empty philosophy that homosexuality is a disease of
the mind which can be cured (see sites like
http://www.exodusglobalalliance.org/ organized by ex-homosexuals). Indeed, up
till 1973, the American Psychiatrist Association in its Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II) listed homosexuality as a
mental disorder; and its removal from that list was mainly due to brute
political pressure and bullying from homosexual members - not by any rational
or scientific debate. Put another way then, the question we are addressing is
whether or not people with psychiatric conditions as schizophrenia, depression
etc be applauded and given the encouragement to publicly express themselves and
possibly win converts of our kiths and kins?
bullying is the hallmark of the homosexual advocacy groups, and it is quite
like the Nigerian spirit, especially as is being demonstrated by the government
of the day, not to cave in to bullies. In the United States and elsewhere,
there are countless incidences of those coming out of homosexual lifestyle
being muffled; seminars like the Love Won Out series (see
http://lovewonout.com/) which feature ex-homosexuals are picketed, and people
who dare read or publish even Scriptural passages that address homosexuality
are harassed and slammed with litigations. The undeniable fact however, is that
there are possibly as many ex-homosexuals as there are homosexuals in the world.
And a sizable portion of current homosexuals are desperately wishing for a way
out. All these too have rights to express their desires and situations! And to
receive proven treatments.
concluding this brief article, it should be understood that fundamentally, the
forthcoming law seeks to curtail not homosexuality per se, but rather the
shameless vociferous advocacy for homosexuality. And as for the hogwash that
homosexuality is native to Africa, the question is how much of the money for
homosexuality advocacy originate from Africa? The Christian bi-monthly
newsletter Church Arise, in its current edition documents that over 5 billion
naira (tax-exempted) was sent in to Nigeria for homosexuality advocacy alone,
from just one of several foreign donors alone, in its current funding cycle.
(http://www.churcharise.org/9_1.pdf, or
That is almost half of what the Federal Ministry of Information and National
Orientation has to carry out all its activities and projects with in the coming
year! (see
That is why Nigerians must not consider it a fait accompli, that the proposed
bill will come out in time and/or as conceived. We must all continue to show
and express deep interest in this very important issue.
In the
new bill the Ministry of Justice must not overlook requiring that the various
NGOs advocating for homosexual lifestyle should redefine their mission
statements or else loose their licence. The dubious Sexuality Education
curriculum which has been smuggled into our educational system (right from
primary school to tertiary institutions) should also be drastically overhauled
to implement the various suggestions by various patriotic stakeholders or
discontinued outrightly.

Dr Joshua Ojo teaches Physics at
the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He publishes the Christian periodical,
Church Arise (www.ChurchArise.org)
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