Monday, January 16, 2012

One-Third of UK Divorces Blamed on Facebook

The Christian Post ( has reported that as much as 33 percent of divorce petitions filed in the United Kingdom in 2011 referenced Facebook. Citing a survey carried out by a UK divorce website Divorce-Online, of 5,000 divorce petitions filed between 2009 and 2011, the Christian Post reports that the main three reasons regarding Facebook-related causes for filing a divorce were: inappropriate messages sent to the opposite sex; posting nasty comments about former partners; and friends reporting a spouse's behavior on the social media website.
Observing that “experts have been noting that the Internet has become a breeding ground for adultery, with many affairs reportedly starting online”, the Christian Post quotes Mark Keenan of Divorce-Online as counseling that "People need to be careful what they write on their walls as the courts are seeing these posts being used in financial disputes and children cases as evidence."
A Christian think tank, Pure Hope, was further cited as counting online communication as potentially harmful for marriages and relationship values as online access to pornography. According to Pure Hope, "Today, mobile technology and social media are changing society in remarkably exciting ways. At the same time, they are exposing young people to shockingly destructive sexual content, behavior, and exploitation."
While Facebook and similar social networking media obviously offer several opportunities and advantages, it is reasonable that Christians also appreciate these other negative potentials – the reality of which is demonstrated by the staggering figures cited in this report.

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