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1. There are very serious Issues with Efficacy of the “Vaccines.”
When government and the pharmaceutical companies mouth their mantra that
the vaccine is efficacious, they refer to the vaccine’s ability to generate
antibodies in the blood of the recipient. As has become abundantly evident,
this is a far cry from its being able to provide sterilizing immunity (that is,
prevent infection) or curtail transm
Hundreds of children died in Philippines’ botched Vaccine launch due to immune enhancement phenomenon (Photo Credit: Internet) “(The) unique safety problem of coronavirus vaccines was discovered 50 years ago while developing the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine…… (This) ‘paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon’ means vaccinated people may still develop the disease, get sicker and die.” Dr. Peter Hotez, (Strong Vaccine Proponent ) in a testimony before the US Congress March 5, 2020 |
ission of the SARS Cov 2 virus. It is on record that
South Africa rejected her over one million doses of Astra Zeneca vaccine when tests
carried out in South Africa put the efficacy at no higher
than 22%, against the 70% advertised by the manufacturers!
Beside this
basic issue of dubious definitions and claims, it has now become
well-established that the neutralizing antibodies generated by the vaccines are
generally only effective towards the particular variant of the virus they were
designed and developed for. And to
further worsen matters, even this straight-jacket efficacy is known to wane so
very rapidly that “booster” doses are now deemed required, within six months of
completing what was supposed to have been “full vaccination”. Consequently, so-called “breakthrough cases”
(where fully vaccinated people catch the virus), have become all-too common.
Despite attempts to tweak the narrative to suggest otherwise,
incontrovertible figures show that COVID is increasingly affecting the
vaccinated more than the unvaccinated.
For instance, official data published by
Public Health England in June 2021 showed that “the death rate from the Delta
COVID variant is six times higher
among those who were fully vaccinated for two weeks or longer than among those
who never received a shot.” Similar results cited from the prestigious medical journal,
Lancet of December 30 2021, showed
equivocally that 89% of new UK COVID cases were among the “fully vaccinated”. In the state of
Massachusetts in the United States, according to official US CDC figures, 74% of people infected
with COVID after a number of summer events in July 2021 were those who had been
fully vaccinated. Officials figures from Wales indicate that, as at
December 2, 2021, 76.1% of the hospitalized were fully vaccinated. From New Zealand came the report that 80% of COVID cases in the last week of 2021 were in “fully vaccinated”
people. Similar figure for Germany was 96% while
that for Israel hovered around
95%. Furthermore, from the
reputed Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem came the report that 95%
of the “severe patients” at the COVID Ward were vaccinated. A fourth “booster” dose is now being
administered in Israel in a desperate effort to curtail COVID via vaccine. And even then, official data emerging
indicates this fourth dose is not making any
significant changes to the problem on ground! With the current restrictions on international
travels for unvaccinated people, it is glaring that the cases of COVID outbreak
in scores of cruise ships, are occurring in the “vaccinated.”
By the way one wonders what the figures are for Nigeria, the
hospitalization/morbidity rate among the
“vaccinated” compared with the “unvaccinated” as compiled for the countries
cited above. The data, as anybody can easily guess, are most conveniently left
As a response to this evident helplessness of existing experimental
vaccines, apparently due to emerging new variants, Vaccine Producers are now
talking of efforts to develop new tweaked versions of their vaccines to confront new variants of concerns. In the Netherlands, the Omicron-specific
vaccine being mulled, is to comprise of 6 doses as a standard! It is being freely speculated that the
“boosters” following the standard doses will continue indefinitely for a
life-time, much more like the annual flu jabs.
Only that in this case, both the standard jab as well as the subsequent
boosters are being mandated! Currently
in Israel, a doubly-vaccinated person is subjected to exactly the same social restrictions as someone
who has received no jab at all.
This dilemma of ineffective vaccine and consequent requirement for
endless boosters is not unexpected. It is actually predicted by the
well-established phenomena known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and Pathogenic Priming. These are situations where
vaccinated people become more susceptible to the virus both in terms of influx
and multiplication of the virus as well as in compromised resistance to
them. This situation was indeed the
major reason previous efforts to develop vaccines for coronavirus were stalled at animal trials stage. That critical stage was skipped
in the rushed granting of Emergency Use Authorization to the current
experimental vaccines, supposedly to urgently stem a grievous pandemic. Now, unfortunately,
we are amassing data directly on human subjects that should have been obtained
with laboratory animals!
A recent study from Denmark shows
that the experimental vaccines could indeed initially provide a “peak”
protection about two months after vaccination.
Thereafter, within three months, the Vaccine Efficacy plummets,
with the recipients of Pfizer Vaccine having an additional 76.5% probability of
contracting the COVID than their unvaccinated counterparts. (The corresponding
figure for the Moderna vaccine is 39.3%). This finding now provides the scientific explanation
to the tragic phenomenon that has been observed in a number of regions all over
the world. For instance in April 2021,
the little nation of Gibraltar sounded the trumpets to celebrate her
achievement of 100% vaccination by all residents and the noticeable plunge in
number of COVID cases. However, three
months later, COVID cases tore through the ceiling, turning Gibraltar with her
100% full vaccination into the COVID capital of the world! . Even
with “booster” shots having become routine (84.4%), Gibraltar notably “cancelled” last Christmas as a result of spiraling Covid
is unfortunate that Nigeria is being goaded to follow this pathway to
perdition. At the present time, no
formal authority recommends the vaccine any more as a protection against COVID
infection or to prevent infecting loved ones.
The benefits of the jab is now described solely in terms of a nebulous “reducing the severity” of COVID or “risk of
hospitalization”. Even this very subjective and hard-to-measure “benefit” is
now thoroughly debunked!
2. The
Vaccines have serious Safety issues that cannot be simply wished away!
Hundreds of children died in
Philippines’ botched Vaccine launch due to immune enhancement phenomenon (Photo
Credit: Internet)
“(The) unique safety problem of coronavirus vaccines was discovered 50 years ago while developing the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine…… (This) ‘paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon’ means vaccinated people may still develop the disease, get sicker and die.” Dr. Peter Hotez, (Strong Vaccine Proponent ) in a testimony before the US Congress March 5, 2020
If it is just that the vaccine was not effective, we might still shrug and receive it for the sake of peace, and allow the pharmaceutical companies cart-off their immoral multi-billion dollar profits. It is the serious adverse health effects that abound that would not allow us ply this easy route. Although the Health Minister routinely assures us that “Procured or donated vaccines are approved by WHO, tested by NAFDAC and other regulators, and certified efficacious and safe”, as we have shown in this Paper, the vaccines are NOT tested by NAFDAC and despite being so “certified”, they actually are NOT efficacious. Sadly, as we demonstrate presently, the vaccines also are NOT safe.
Apparently, government’s strategy is to neglect making adequate
provision for the reportage of serious adverse effects attending the vaccine
shots; and have her officials simplistically equate lack of official figures
with vaccine safety. The rather obscure Med Safety App provided by NAFDAC to document adverse effects from COVID shots,
actually lumps up data for 15 countries and sends them directly to the
WHO’s Uppsala Monitoring Centre! And so,
the COVID Czar for Nigeria, Dr
Faisal Shuaib of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), could
continue to repeatedly declare (as he has been doing, at least as late as mid-October 2021) that there has been no death associated with the COVID
experimental vaccines in Nigeria. In one
statement, he brazenly asserted: “It is however important for me to repeat that Nigeria has not
recorded any case of death directly linked to COVID-19 vaccination.” The challenge thrown at the
Nigerian public here, is the phrase “directly linked”. Dr Shuaib dares anyone to come up with the
detailed medical evidences required to prove direct causation - a big hurdle for a regular private citizen.
However, anecdotal reports of adverse effects have continued to build up,
including those of previously healthy people dying within days of receiving the
vaccine. It is a Nigerian thing to politely
refrain from questioning what could be behind such “sudden” deaths, which are
philosophically accepted - being “irreversible in any case.” Nevertheless some of the connections are so
conspicuous, and their background so outrageous that they get pushed into the
public domain. One such story that
dominated national news for a while (in September 2021), was the case of Mike Ajibike, staff
of a popular bank in Delta State. Mike fell ill after receiving the vaccine which
the bank arranged for all her staff on September 10. He was admitted to the hospital the next day
and gave up the ghost ten days later.
In response to the obvious decision of government to simply ignore such
reports, our Group (the Nigerian Covid Response Alliance, NCRA) has started to
collate and document factual reports of adverse effects following the COVID
experimental vaccines. We could for
instance cite here, as an example, the sad case of the mid-aged man from Ogun
State who fell sick and died within 24 hours of receiving the experimental COVID-19
jab. Described by his wife as a man of sound health who was not on any regular
medication, the deceased developed severe body pains after receiving a jab at a
Government Hospital at Alapoti village on Monday Nov 22, 2021 and died next
morning while in transit to the General Hospital Ota, where he had been
referred to. (To submit a report of adverse effects on you or your loved ones
following the COVID injection, please check out this google
form. Also available on our website, www.nigeriancovidresponsealliance.org.)
Of course official reports are kept in other climes. In the US for example, records from the
publicly-accessible Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) show that
between December 14 2020 and Dec 24 2021, there have been 21,002 deaths, and nearly
a million other adverse
events associated with the use of COVID vaccines. A whistleblower at the US Center for Disease
Control further averred under
oath that the VAERS is under-reporting deaths occurring
within 3 days of vaccination by a factor of at least 5! Similar figures in the UK (as at Dec 1, 2021)
are 1,822 deaths and 1,314,659 adverse effects; and in the EU (as at Dec 4,
2021) 32,652 deaths, 2,970,644 adverse effects. (see minute 04:25 of the video
clip at https://www.bitchute.com/video/fHIT55iM4Zv9/).
A detailed
analysis documenting the reactogenic deaths associated with COVID vaccine
has been published in an article in the Journal of Public Health Policy and
Law. Ranging from immediate allergic reactions where patients die right at the
vaccine centres to late deaths at about two weeks associated with blood
disorders, blood clotting, and low blood platelet count called thrombocytopenia
purpura. To be fair, the pharmaceutical companies require that facilities
for resuscitation must be provided at every jabbing centre. This is of course
totally ignored in Nigeria, with the NPHCDA already proposing taking the
vaccines round Churches
and market
places to administer to people!
The scientific bases for these numerous adverse effects are now well
established and are being published in reputable scientific and medical
journals all over the world. An article
in the highly respected Journal, Circulation, provides incontrovertible
evidence that mRNA vaccines are causing myocarditis, blood clotting; and a
recent publication documents for the first time post mortem results on people
who died within six months of receiving a COVID shot. The Post mortem investigation was performed
out of concern that apparently perfectly healthy people would simply drop dead
mysteriously. The shocking results established that 93% of the deaths were caused by the COVID vaccine
even though nobody initially thought of any connection! This raises the
alarming spectre of multitudes of deaths caused by the vaccine being attributed
to other known or unknown causes in the months ahead.
It should be noted that this discussion on
safety has been limited only to acute effects occurring within a few months
after a jab. No one knows for sure at
this early stage what the long-term effects will look like in the years and
decades ahead! However indicative reports are already streaming in. Examples include surges in cases of miscarriages
and stillbirths, autoimmune cases (such as diabetes), and cancers.
As a result of all these piling evidences of serious safety issues
associated with COVID vaccines, many countries currently prohibit blanket use
of these vaccines: For example the use
of Astra Zeneca vaccine is “suspended” in the
bulk of the population in over 20 European countries while the Moderna vaccine
is proscribed for people under the age of 30 in Germany and France. In
Nigeria, we are yet to see any such advisory that at least conveys the
impression that the authorities are aware of serious health hazards associated
with the vaccines. Rather, in what is
known as mix and match, Nigerians
are encouraged to simply take whichever jab is offered to them, including
mixture of brands in first and subsequent doses!
3. Deep Concerns on the Declared, Undeclared, and Non-Uniform Contents
of the Vaccines
It is well known that for one reason or other, the COVID vaccines have
incorporated in them some substances that could pose serious adverse health
effects, such as discussed in Section III.2 above. One of these is Polyethylene glycol (PEG) which
is known to be capable of causing life-threatening anaphylactic reactions in people allergic to it. For
this reason, the Fact Sheets of the
vaccines specifically require that would-be recipients be made aware of this
fact, and people who have a history of such allergy be excluded. Unfortunately in the vast majority of cases
in Nigeria, this procedure is impractical and is observed in the breach. We strongly encourage every literate person who is offered the
experimental vaccine to ask to see the data sheet first!
Not only are there serious concerns about the declared contents of COVID
vaccines, there are even more reasons to be worried about the undeclared
contents! Medical products with
Emergency Use Authorization are considered experimental, and details of their
contents may not be fully disclosed.
When Pfizer’s Cominarty became approved in the US in August 2021, hopes
were raised that at last the public will be availed the opportunity to see the
full details, both of the contents and of the outcomes of clinical trials for
the product. However shockingly, the US
FDA which gave the approval for the vaccine hesitated to release these basic
information. When a request was formally
made by a group of top Scientists in the USA, under the Freedom of Information
(FoI) Act, the US FDA requested the courts for a leave of 55 years to complete the process of releasing the
requested information! This supposedly,
is to give the Agency enough time to “redact” the data (i.e. cleanse it of
proprietary information) before release.
With the contrived
opacity shrouding the contents of the vaccines, researchers have turned to the original
patents, which are available to the public in the relevant government
departments, to get a glimpse of these contents. For instance the patent for the Moderna
vaccine, titled Modified Polynucleotides for the Production of Secreted
Proteins (US Patent 10,703,789 B2 of July 7, 2020) can be accessed here . The listed contents include clearly cytotoxic compounds like
formaldehyde and ethylene oxide (known to be carcinogenic), as well as a
substance known as SM-102 (which data sheet expressly forbids human or veterinary
use). Also included is the drug delivery
system (comprising of trace quantities of the metals gold, silver, and
aluminium) required to facilitate uptake of the active ingredients across the blood-brain
barrier; super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles; human embryonic kidney
cells 2928 and fibroblast (from aborted fetus); and secretions from animals,
including steric acid from the digestive juices of the pig as well as fetal
bovine cartillage.
Most worrisome however are
the multi-functional ingredients, principally the hydrogel which is comprised
of Graphene Oxide (GO) and Graphene Hydroxide (GHO), as well as the compound
Luciferase which has been recently developed for nano-barcoding and identity certification
purposes. Europe, with her one billion euro Graphene Flagship initiative, is the undisputable
leader in researching the wonder material called Graphene. The results, probably as significant as the
Manhattan Project that birthed the atomic bomb in 1940s, are necessarily highly
classified; and it can be reasonably assumed that the rest of the world knows
virtually nothing about the deep potentials of GO and GHO embedded in the human
Many of these
substances listed in the patents, have been confirmed as actually present in
the vaccines being marketed. One of the
researchers who selflessly undertook this assignment for the sake of humanity
was the German doctor, Dr Andreas Noack.
Sadly, he died under mysterious conditions three days after disclosing
his findings. In providing an
illuminating discussion of these contents, Dr Michael McDowell of Trinidad concluded that, based on presently available knowledge and technology,
the “vaccines” are best described as self-assemblying Operating and
Communication Systems, capable of facilitating 1) merger of brain functions
with Artificial Intelligence (AI), 2) Genetic alterations and human
hybridization, 3) population management and population control yielding a
stratified society in the mode of a beehive; and 4) genetic and electronic AI
transhumanism. Dr McDowell further
pointed out that “contents” can be indicative of “intents.” All these are deeply concerning, to say the
It is recognized that not
all the contents listed in the patent papers may be in every vial of the
vaccine. For instance there could be
some differences in the first and second doses (for the 2-dose vaccines), and also
the successive “booster” doses. Thus
delivery of the different components might happen gradually over time.
As a matter of fact, available
evidences already indicate that these undeclared contents might vary
from batch to batch of vaccines. For
example in Japan, several cases of black patches, visible to the naked eye, were found by vigilant health workers in some
vaccine vials. This consequently led to
the rejection of some batches (each containing over a million doses) and the
eventual suspension of
Moderna vaccines in that country. Currently, warning labels are placed on COVID vaccines in Japan, and the mandate placed on them
has been dropped. An independent investigator in the United States demonstrated that the
adverse effects reported in the VAERS occurred for specific batches which are
systematically coded.
It is instructive to note that the drug substance for the vaccines being “produced” in South Africa for distribution in
Africa under the AVAT scheme are actually being supplied from Germany, and
Africans unaware of the exact contents, are only allowed to reconstitute these concoctions
in the name of “production!”
This situation of unstandardized non-uniformity in the contents of
vaccines open up the possibilities of different countries receiving different vaccines
under the same label. Unfortunately, our NAFDAC has most irresponsibly insisted
there is no need to do independent checks of the products sent to Nigeria. On its website, the NAFDAC plainly informs Nigerians that the
endorsement of the WHO of the certifications provided by more “matured” foreign
regulatory Agencies concerning these vaccines should be good enough for Nigeria!
4. The value of Natural Immunity is significant and CANNOT be simply discountenanced,
For over 100 years, it has been recognized that people who recovered
from an infection would develop robust immunity to that infection. This is well established in cases of smallpox
and measles for instance where a certificate of recovery from infection is
accepted as good as a certificate of vaccination.
Strangely, this well-known norm has come under severe criticism and even
attacks in the case of COVID-19! It has
taken over a year to resolve the unnecessary doubts cast on the relevance and
effectiveness of natural immunity in COVID-19.
However, not only has the relevance of naturally-acquired immunity now
established in COVID-19, its superiority over vaccine-induced
immunity has been thoroughly demonstrated.
According to a recent Israeli study involving some 2.5 million subjects, naturally-acquired immunity was
found 13 times better in preventing infection and 7 times better in preventing
symptomatic disease than the Pfizer experimental vaccine. In terms of robustness, other studies have shown that naturally-acquired immunity can handle a
wide range of virus “variants” unlike the vaccine-induced one which is limited
by original vaccine design. Furthermore,
naturally-acquired immunity is also much more longer-lasting. Results, published in
Science, showed the immune systems of more than 95% of
people who recovered from COVID had durable memories of the virus up to eight
months after infection.
Now, by the NCDC official data, over 220,000 Nigerians under its direct custody have recovered from COVID. Millions others who didn’t have any symptoms
or who recovered quietly at home also abound.
Even more interesting is the result of a highly rated study published in
the International Journal of Infectious Diseases demonstrating that in Sub
Sahara Africa, infections from older forms of coronavirus, which occurred long
before the advent of SARS CoV-2, are contributing to natural immunity which is
proving very effective against the various variants of COVID-19. The adamant
insistence of the Nigerian government that everybody (including all this
multitude of COVID-recovered folks) MUST get the vaccine plays blind to this
critical reality, and is a major fuel for the unending “conspiracy theories” that abound.
It is interesting to note that South Africa has now changed her approach to COVID, by factoring in natural immunity as a key factor determining response to COVID-19. She might well be on her way out of the COVID quagmire much sooner than later
5. Proven Safe
and Effective Alternative Solutions abound!
Graph of COVID
cases in Uttar Pradesh after introduction of Ivermectin in May 2021
Other proven solutions exist for COVID-19, despite desperate efforts to
demonize and proscribe these alternatives.
For instance, most incredibly, two pivotal articles were hurriedly
written and published in the two most prestigious medical journals Lancet and
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), using FAKE data! Based on the adverse
effects furiously attributed to Hydroxychloroquine in the fake papers, the WHO
dutifully halted a trial that
had been commissioned to check out the several anecdotal testimonies to the
efficacy of the drug re-purposed for COVID.
Thereafter, the fake papers were unceremoniously withdrawn and admitted as fake! This incident alone is sufficient to confirm there are other serious
hidden agenda in the COVID affair, beyond concerns for public health. Even more revealing, many scientists continue to cite these rogue papers nevertheless, and official policies based on them
were not rescinded!
In the same manner, there are desperate moves to smear the well-proven
effectiveness of the Nobel Prize-winning drug, Ivermectin. Ivermectin is known to be one of the safest drugs ever produced, and the desperate hounding
of pharmaceutical stores to rid them of this drug tells a loud story of
desperation to keep the COVID debacle ongoing.
Two revealing propaganda materials published in mainstream media to
desperately disparage this God-given solution to COVID-19 can be found here and here.
No one can argue with clear results however. From Croatia, Denmark, Norway, Japan, the Provinces
of Uttar Pradesh and Delhi in India, and a number of states in the US, the result is clear
and incontrovertible: Ivermectin, used early in the course of COVID-19, is very
safe and effective. The result in Uttar
Pradesh is so astounding that Indian nationals in the WHO, who had vigorously
pushed to hinder the use of Ivermectin in that country are currently being sued for mass murder of the thousands that needlessly died while aspersion was
unreasonably cast on the potentials of Ivermectin.
the vaccines being irresponsibly mandated here, Ivermectin has actually been
clinically trialed in Nigeria by a group of highly respected researchers. They confirmed the well-known results that
the drug is safe and highly effective both as prophylaxis and therapy for COVID.
There are a number of other options available in the developed
countries, but not currently available in Nigeria. One such is based on monoclonal antibodies therapy, such as was successfully used
to treat then President Trump of COVID-19, in October 2020. The state of Florida has reported tremendous successes,
particularly in high-risk subjects with these treatments. However, according to the State’s Surgeon
General, Joseph Ladapo, the plan to expand the number of treatment centres has
been frustrated by sundry obstacles set up by the Biden administration. As at press time, Florida is closing all the
monoclonal antibodies treatment centres due to the withdrawal of the Emergency
Use Authorization granted the top drugs (Regeneron and Eli Lilly) that have
proved so effective. The US FDA, without
any clinical testing whatsoever, “predicted” that the drugs would be
ineffective against the prevalent Omicron variant and announced the withdrawal. Florida
rejected the alternative drugs recommended by the FDA, preferring to close the
treatment centres altogether, until further notice.
And so continues the unrelenting bare-knuckle bashing of any alternative
procedure that threatens the monopoly of the ineffective experimental vaccines
for COVID!
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