Monday, February 26, 2018

Gender Identity Confusion Persisting in Western Nations

As the world continues to reel in the end-time stupor, much research efforts are ongoing to allow wombs be transplanted in men! Not that there are shortages of women naturally endowed with wombs to nurture babies and keep the world moving on sustainably.  It is just that God-denying folks need to demonstrate their disdain for the naturally-emplaced order for sustainability as ordained by the Almighty. Richard Paulson, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, said eight children had already been born to women after womb transplants and wonders why the same transplant can’t happen in men. “There’s plenty of room to put a uterus in there, and women have the same blood vessels”  he told a scientific conference in San Antonio, Texas. (Source: Womb Transplants Could Allow Men to Have Babies “Tomorrow,” Victoria Fletcher, Rapture Ready News, 5th November, 2017).
The ultimate motivation for this effort is to provide psychological comfort for transgender “women” – deluded men who desperately wish to now identify as women.  Even then, not only do such “women” not have any egg to contribute to the baby they would carry, they also are not able to deliver the baby except through a ceaserian operation. If the process at all comes through successfully without adverse health – including genetic and immunological - consequences, it would technically be only a little more than a test-tube baby being brought forth at a much more higher cost.
Extending the identity confusion to the divinity Himself, the Church of Sweden is now encouraging its clergy to avoid adducing the male gender to the supreme Deity.  For instance, the gender-neutral term “God” is to be preferred instead of “the Lord”.  More specifically, starting from Pentecost Sunday on May 20 2018, Priests may now open their  services simply “in the name of God and the Holy Trinity” rather than the traditional name of the “Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” Sweden’s National Lutheran church is currently led by Archbishop Antje Jackelen, who was elected Sweden’s first female archbishop in 2013. (Details in The Telegraph, November 26, 2017).

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