Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Latest Report: Over 200 Babies Are Aborted for Every 1,000 Live Births in America

      A new report released by the US Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Division of Reproductive Health shows that over 200 babies are aborted for every 1,000 live births in America.
The report, released on Friday Nov 28 2014, analyzed information provided by nearly all 50 states for the year 2011. The information is broken down into various categories, such as age, gestational age, method and race

In 2011, the CDC found, 730,322 mothers obtained an abortion. A report released by Planned Parenthood last year outlined that 333,964 of those abortions were performed by the abortion giant.
The city with the highest number of abortions was New York city with 76,251 reported abortions in 2011.  Of these, 35,188  (46.1%) were black babies even though the population of blacks in the city was only 25.5%. 
Ironically, while there is so much fuss about black teens being disproportionately shot dead by law enforcement officers in the US, few seem bothered about the thousands of black babies who were not given opportunity of seeing the light of the day – based on existing policies in place in “God’s own country”.
As reported by ChristianNews.net, “While the majority of abortions were obtained under eight weeks gestation, over 7,000 babies lost their lives over the 21 week mark just in 2011 alone. The CDC found that for 71% of abortions under thirteen weeks (the first trimester), the baby’s life was ended via suction curettage, a procedure where a suction device is used to rip the unborn child from the uterus, the contents of which are customarily sucked into a jar. The abortionist then scrapes the walls of the uterus to ensure that none of the baby’s body parts, which are often ripped off during the procedure, remain inside the mother.”

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