therefore respectfully reserve the right to refuse any mandate by the
government that forces us to fund or support abortion. We also oppose same sex-marriage, polygamy,
bestiality, and all other forms of sexual perversion prohibited by Holy
At last, Christians in the United States seem to be awaking out of their stupor.
In June, the Supreme Court in that country ruled that gay marriage is legal and MUST be allowed and facilitated by all law-abiding Americans in all the States - even in States that had already formally legislated against such.
In the current edition of Church Arise! we report the story of Aaron and Melissa Klein who have to close down their bakery business following vehement hounding by homosexuals. Now Churches, Ministries and other Organizations can brace up for real inferno.
This is the dawn of the "new age", globalists have long been waiting for, and there will be no gloves-in-hand treatment for anyone! Realizing that the chips are really down this time around, already cornered Christians are not waiting to be picked at will one at a time by the enemy. A Declaration of Independence, including the quotes above, is already circulating online as Christians are declaring their readiness,like the 3 Hebrew youngsters, to DISOBEY government rather than God.
Reference is being made to Abraham Lincoln who instigated disobedience to similarly odious ruling by the Supreme Court in his days, which had declared that black people were really sub-human, in order to justify the lucrative slave trade. Watch the video at the beginning of the 2nd part of the interview of Dr James Dobson with Andrew Wommack here:
The Declaration is here: https://dependenceongod.com/