Tuesday, April 12, 2016

No light at the end of the tunnel yet for the Bodnarius of Norway

          Remember them? Since November last year, Marius and Ruth have not set eyes on 2 daughters. They are allowed weekly visit to baby Ezekiel.  All five children taken away because they teach children that God hates sin! That;s apparently an abomination in 20th century Norway. Yet the Bodnarius continue to demonstrate uncommon Christian strength and peace (that passeth human understanding). See some interviews on youtube (here).  A legal counsel frankly warned that going by precedents, only few percentages have ever won such a battle with the Barnevenet. And even in those instances, it took years!

One just shudders at what could be happening to the girls.  If their being taught that God hates sins was a major concern for officials of the Barnevenet then it can be assumed that they would be placed in custody where this can be “re-dressed”.  As we pointed out in the last edition, citing figures from the Wikipadeia, Norway is top nation in Scandinavia, and therefore the entire world, in promoting homosexual rights.
Even in England, a judge (Richard Page) was recently fired for expressing his opinion that it is better for children who are to be placed for adoption, to be given to heterosexual rather than homosexual families (see http://christiannews.net/2016/03/29/uk-magistrate-suspended-from-health-service-board-for-opposing-same-sex-adoption/). No one but Norwegian authorities knows the location of the girls, but it’s not too difficult to guess.  What a trauma for the Bodnarius.
Global rally planned for April 16. Please join if there is one in your location (check details at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q23kebj4-z8 ). For the rest of us, we can at least pray!

STOP PRESS: On April 5, a Norwegian Judge has delivered judgment that Baby Ezekiel should be returned to his biological parents! The Judge also ruled that Marius & Ruth will be allowed to see the two older boys twice a week for two hours at a time. There is no news yet pertaining to the girls.
While this is very encouraging news, it’s still a long way to the finish line, as the Barnevernet is expected to appeal these rulings. Typically, the battle takes years to conclude. Let’s pray for grace for the Bodnarius who have to be the guinea pigs to bring this atrocity to the forefront of public discourse.

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