Saturday, August 27, 2022





(Focus on Trainees)


Joshua Ojo

0805 710 6482;

President, Church Arise! LivingWater Ministries, Ile-Ife.


·         Introduction

·         Purpose of Education and the Conflicting Worldviews (Zion vs Greek Systems)

PAST: Challenges at Ideological/Doctrinal Level. Manifested at Physical/Material dimensions

PRESENT: Challenges now full-blown. Manifested at Soulish dimension

FUTURE (Future is already rolling in!): Ultimate manifestation. Being manifested at Spiritual dimension

·         Conclusions/Action Points:

For the cited quotations (and more), See chapter 15 of Behold I Come QuicklyVolume 2.  Soft copy free at

Printed copies available @ N1,000 per book, N1,500 for any 2 volumes, or N2,000 for the Trilogy (vols 1, 2, and 3)


I: Purpose and Worldviews in Education

1. Purpose of education:

Olanipekun:  Education equated to “Human resource development”

Obiageli “Oby” Ezesekwili: education is the most important national resource available.  Far more important than solid minerals. – Testimony at Redemption Camp. Reported in CA! Vol 10 No 1

“The main purpose of education is the integral development of a person.  In addition, it is a source of its obvious benefits for a fuller and better life.  Education can contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.  It develops a society in which people are aware of their rights and duties.  Education is a cultural and learning process.  Through this, all people can develop cognitive abilities, physical abilities and establish values and beliefs.  That allows us to act as good citizens.”

Punjab Colleges


2. Clash of Worldviews in Education: Zion versus Greek - Zechariah 9:13

“When I have bent Judah for me, filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and made thee as the sword of a mighty man. “

“The sons of Zion versus the sons of Greece describe the epic battle in this age between two world views.  There are world views that continue to inform policies, values, and philosophies of education all over the world.  The sons of Greece like Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato have shaped the mind of nations.  There is hardly any field of human endeavor where the Greek philosophers are not being studied and providing fundamental principles that have shaped the thoughts of many.  Greek philosophy, as embraced today, focuses on the cultivation of the mind with the exclusion of the heart.  Moral education and instructions are not considered necessary in today’s education curricular.


“The sons of Zion, however, include biblical philosophers.  Examples of which are Moses, David, Solomon, the Prophets and Paul to name a few.  Their works are excluded from studies because they are confined to religion.  Education from Zion;s perspective goes beyond the cultivation of the intellect to the development of character, morality, and values.  Communities of the world can agree on values that they need to cultivate in school or early education and include such in the curriculum.  Whatever man sows, that he reaps.  If we sow nothing in the area of morality and values then we get citizens who are intellectually smart but not kind to one another.  Education is incomplete without deliberate, concerted cultivatin of morality.  The Greco-Roman pattern of education focuses on the cultivation of the intellect alone but Zion;s educations system is holistic.  Zion develops the total man: spirit, soul and body.” Pg 58 Segun Olanipekun, Nation Building, A Biblical Perspective.

Cf Eden: Fruit of Knowledge (without wisdom!) versus True knowledge

Underlying bedrock of Zion: Creationism (completed and good at the beginning); of Babylon/Medes-Persian/Greek/Roman: Evolutionary (gradual increase forward)


3. Some Features/Fruits:

1. Education in Greek is Godless. Zion is God-based

See a related article at  <>


UK school kids to be taught atheism [“Non-religious religions] in religious classes   VOL 7 NO 2


2. School Prayers. Campus Fellowships – officials

3. All encompassing holistic education: Babylon trains the fit Dan 1:3-5.  Zion trains all. Cf David’s mighty men. 3Ds -1 Sam. 22:2; 2Sam 23:8. Israel autistic population).  Special Education only in Zion. Deemphasised in Greek.  (Presently, with advances in Technology, more inclusive education now possible.)

Pix: (Sept 2019): Exiting David Ben Gurion Airport, at the close of the 4th ALS, I discovered one of the key reasons Israel is such a great and blessed nation. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITY LAW


Saw this on social media recently:

What is Education?

At the end of World War II, this letter was found in a Nazi concentration camp.  It is addressed to Teachers.


Dear Teachers,

I am a survivor of a concentration camp.  My eyes saw what no man should witness: Gas chambers built by learned engineers, children poisoned by educated physicians, infants killed by trained nurses,.  Women and babies shot and burnt by High School and College Graduates.  So, I am suspicious of education.  My request is: Help your students become human.  Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled Psychopaths, educated illiterates.  Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if they serve towards making our children more humane.”


To impart ability to take information, be instructed, and key in meaningfully into society, ultimately leaving it better than we met it.  Sons of Zion seek to bring heaven to earth.  Education gives the training.  Cf Moses! Read and Write, compose song for teaching , learned in all the learning of Egypt (Acts 7:22) etc.  Luke’s Gospel, Paul’s Epistles, John in the Book of Revelation: the various gems surrounding the throne… All these demonstrate learning. The human subjects wouln’t have been able to fulfil these great ministries without prior sound learning.


II. Education Past, Present, and Future

I assume we are treating Formal Education here. (Most of the traditional methods have changed very little)

1.  Education Past: Challenges at Ideological/Doctrinal Level. Manifested at Physical/Material dimensions

·         How past is past? Moses? Aristotle?... Let’s stick to Nigeria. First formal school in Nigeria:St Thomas Anglican Nursery and Primary School, Badagry, 1843.

·         Then clearly it was Zion worldview.  Christian missions. But now gradually being supplanted by Greek thinking.  Greek worldview challenged by Ishmaelite, which can be seen as adulterated Zion. – Boko Haram, Taliban,..

·         Funding, facilities, motivations, remunerations and rewards ok.

·         Most people in my generation attended public primary and secondary schools.  University, we had expatriate teachers, Someone once came from UK to do sabbatical with my Prof.

·         Thank God for children of Zion having Christian schools, homeschools, etc.  But it is important that the battle be fought at the Public Schools level.  Cf ongoing University strike crisis: 95% of students (about 2 million) in the public Universities.



2. Education Present: Challenges now full-blown as Greek worldview is gaining momentum. Manifested at “Soulish” dimension (morality, etc)

i. War against School Prayers: US, Europe, Nigeria (mainly Ishmaelites,cf Kwara State)

"Anyone who violates these orders, no kidding, is going to wish that he or she had died as a child when this court gets through with it." – that was U.S. District Court Samuel B. Kent of the Southern District of Texas in 1995 ordering students  and even ministers not parties to the lawsuit not to pray in Jesus' name at graduation ceremonies, warning that that federal marshals would be on hand to take violators to jail for six months on the grounds of contempt of court.

A dozen students attending Heritage High School in Vancouver, Wash., were suspended recently for praying at school.  The individuals, who met for about two weeks before 7 a.m., decided to pray in the school cafeteria because of the inclement weather outside. As a result, they were suspended for ten days.  [Vol 10 No 3]


ii. Exam Malpractice: (I’ve been on Exam Malpractice Committee for over a decade. We see things!). With emphasis on paper qualification more than skill/value-adding

At the entrance gate of a university in South Africa the following message was posted for contemplation:

"Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students."*

Patients die at the hands of such doctors.

Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers.

Money is lost at the hands of such economists & accountants.

Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars.

Justice is lost at the hands of such judges...

"The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation."


Unfortunately today, teachers, administrators, even parents now actively take part in Exam malpractices!

iii. Sabotage by Greeks! Unjustified mandates in Schools: (government-supervised education;  vaccination!). All working to actualize the World Core Curriculum of the future (now here!)

Homeschooling movement: under immense pressure. US, Germany. Canada(vol 9 No 5).   (CA! intervention in Norwegian situation Jan. 2016)    [VOL 11 NO 4]

·         At a radio programme, few weeks ago, pondering the question how do we prepare for the next pandemic: it was clear to me that the 3 major steps were: education, education, and education. Cf a vaccine that has no sterilizing immunity, and does not prevent transmission, with considerable adverse effect in the short term, and long-term not known for a disease which is not fatal and can be treated…..government is indemnified, etc

Cf Lockdown of schools for several months in US and elsewhere.  (Adverse effect of schools lockdown – UNESCO)

Refs: Case Against Mandatory Vaccination in Nigeria (;

 Letter to Liberals (RFK:

·         Here in Nigeria: OAU, Must teach large classes virtually, even when orientation, social and religious activities are allowed physically.  UI no hostel accommodation for unvaccinated. It is very clear that some people somewhere want to destroy our education system!

·         In DC US, no vaccination no classes. And no alternatives (virtual class) provided! (August 2022)

·         For instance in Canada, the Quebec Ministry of Education has bluntly told unlicensed Christian evangelical schools that they must teach Darwin's theory of evolution and sex education or fold up their operations.[Vol 10 No 1]



iv. Greek Curricula being crafted and imposed:

·         Sex Education Curriculum now ready – says Council  vol 5 no 1

·         Eckankar for schools in Nigeria VOL 7 NO 6


·         McAthur pumps over 5 billion naira into selling Sexuality Education in Nigeria. (Vol 9  No 1).  From the MacAthur foundation alone, over five billion naira has been given to various NGOs in less than 3 years, to see to the task of ramming the odious pill of Sexuality Education down the throats of Nigerians, by all means

All these from just one of several donors alone! For instance Action Health Incorporated, in 2004 got a separate $1,100,000 from the Ford Foundation “to strengthen the documentation, training, public education and field and constituency-building programs of the Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Center”  ( 


v. Immorality:

·         Bill Funds 20 New Elementary School Health Clinics Offering Condoms and Birth Control for Students  VOL 10 NO 3

·         University of Cincinnati organizes “sexploration”

Details at  VOL 12 NO 2


·         Thank God for response to the outcries on sexual harassment. At least some tertiary institutions in Nigeria are waking up to confront the evil.


vi. Cultism, Violence, Drugs

·         AMORC vs UI.  Secret cults (MtZion’s Abbatoir!) Cultism – opon imo with incantations for hypnotizing ladies!

·         School Violence (US, Japan….)

·         Cultism and Drugs (CETCON… check website. Hopefully this November also)

·         Cult Renaissance on Campuses [VOL. 5 NO 2]. Lecturer Gunned down at UNIBEN: (Punch Feb 1, pg 9)


vii. Evolution theory (especially at tertiary education level)

·         Lies in high scientific places [Vol 9 No 1].(



3. Education Future: Knowledge Explosion. Misinformation, Disinformation, Propaganda, Gas lighting. Mandates. (Future is already rolling in!): Ultimate manifestation. Being manifested at Spiritual dimension

i. US Public Schools: Propaganda and Persecution - In the US, there is a 70-to-80 percent likelihood that a [Christian] child will abandon the church and their faith in a public school career!  Facing this sober statistics, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Frank Page, is calling on Southern Baptist churches to expand into K-12 education, making it available for families whether they can pay a private tuition or not.  Christians need Exodus from 'Pharoah's system' he warned.

ii. Alice Bailey, Robert Muller + Djwahl Khul (a demon!). UN-sanctionedWorld Core Curiculum.  Full expression of the fruits of the World Core Curriculum

Visit to download TTIF and BICQ.

·         Here a sampler of the New Educational Curriculum for the New World (from SA):


For instance on the subject called Life Orientation, Nursery 1 pupils are to be able to identify symbols relating to AT LEAST three religions other than their own. 

·         By Primary 3/4 they are supposed to be able to describe the worship practices, value systems, as well as festivals, RITUALS and customs of AT LEAST 3 religions, OTHER THAN THEIRS. 

·         By Primary 6 your children are expected to be able to “describe how nature can be a source of spiritual health and  MUST be able to sing canons from AT LEAST three different cultures/religions” e.g chant mantras or Odu Ifa etc. 

·         By the end of JSS 3, pupils are to be introduced to ‘holistic and traditional healing.’.  They will taught  “life cycles” (based on acceptance of reincarnation as a fact) and made to “understand how similar belief systems are”.  Having thus been taught that all religions are one, Christianity is highlighted as the uncompromising selfish one that refuses to accommodate the others.  The curriculum puts it as “Understand that it was not only politics that vilified Africa but also ‘imported’ religion”.


·         On Social Sciences, nursery grade pupils are to be taught to identify private parts of their body (an old idea from the humanist camp).  By Primary 6, Children are to understand  their rights such as the freedom to choose their own religion or sexual preferences from age 13, as well as accept evolution as a “fact”


·         Everything happens over a span of years during which many other “excellent” programmes will be taught. The little poison ingested here and there along the years however will guarantee that any child who is so indoctrinated will reject the value system of his/her old-fashioned superstitious parents!


iii. Artificial Inteligience (AI), Technology can rob students of critical thinking.

·         Anthony Levandowski, founder of what is called the AI (Artificial Intelligience) Church describes a new god referred to as “Whatever”, which the AI community believes is going to emerge at some point when the internet-of-things has become operational (see GLOBAL GOVERNANCE RIDES IN ON CORONAVIRUS BACK)./  With Google, and possibly Google Plus with AI, what education is really required?  (e.g. with calculators and computers, relevance of arithmetic skills?)

·         Robot Teacher debuts in Japanese Schools,2933,508184,00.html.

Fox news sees Saya as representing “Japan’s determination to put a robot in every home by 2015.”   At Church Arise! however, we see in Saya the impatience of New World Order buffs to turn teachers and educationists to robots – teaching their new curricula of evolution theory and new sexuality, etc.  Bringing in robot-teachers will certainly hasten the process – no questions, no conscience!   VOL 12 NO 2


iv. Mandates! (Physiologically facilitated by prior mass vaccinations, Digital Passports, Green Cards, etc)

·         Parents who opted to take their children off government-supervised schooling have been jailed in Germany  (Vol 10 No 1).  Even those who keep them in public school with the hope of having them excused from certain corrupting classes, such as comprehensive sex-education, are also being jailed.  VOL 14 NO 1

·         mandatory government-supervised education for all kids, new sexuality with emphasis on advocating for homosexuality, abortion and contraceptives; or on another note, global citizenship, “interconnectedness” of all living in the world with the “ancient ascended masters” and all that stuff, you know what the game is all about.

·         In Quebec, Canada, students are now required to attend a mandatory class where they are specifically taught that all religions are equally true.  The course, requiring about two hours per week is also mandatory in private schools. (see details at  VOL. 5 NO. 4.


v. Education as “tool for Global Peace” VOL 4 NO 6 

·         “Education for All for Learning to Live together” - that was the theme of an International Conference on education held in Geneva, Switzerland under the auspices of UNESCO between Sept 5 and 8.  Over 600 delegates from all around the world were in attendance at the Conference presided over by Nigeria’s education minister, Prof Babalola Borishade.

Christianity (Zion) teaches us to live, as far as it depends on us in peace with our neighbours. But we must keep ourselves holy. Summary of conditions for heaven! (Heb. 12:14).  New World Order (Greek) teaches we all dilute our convictions and find a new meeting point where the individual identities are lost. In State (UN) and in Religion. (UR).



Teachers need to be careful not to be tools in the hands of nefarious people for evil agenda.

1.Take heed to yourself. Don’t be corrupted (1 Tim 3:  ), Must learn to challenge dogmas.  Ask questions.  Train yourselves to build up confidence. Prepare yourself.  Prepare your students purposively for the exciting future ahead! Great privilege!

2. Win others to Zion.  Let them know (1 Chr. 12:32; Mat. 28:18-20)

Leadership Development (ALS): Identify/Raise; Develop/Train; Equip/Protect/Defend; Network/Empower

3. Hence a gathering like this.  But NATECO must go beyond an annual engagement. There must be ongoing [daily, eg. Via social media] engagement -.  Invitation to partner/network with CLAY, ALS.

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