Friday, November 16, 2018

Donning the Hijab – Priviledge, Blackmail, or Threat?

Mainly in the western world, the mainstream media and Islamic supremacist groups are constantly preoccupied
with the supposed plight of women who are denied their much-desired “right” to wear hijab. But as we showed
in our detailed write-up a few years ago (see here), the main pushers for this “right” often turn up to be 
aggressive men who to all intents and purposes only want to tag their female-folks for the purpose of more 
effective control.    

The women who are compelled to don the same suffocating attire in all weather, day and night, certainly
don’t feel as enthusiastic! However, in many situations, they simply have no choice.
For instance on some campuses in Northern Nigeria, it is understood that the hijab provides a ready ID that
can save the female moslem in case of some supposedly spontaneous Islam-engineered massacres.
In other places such as Gaza in the Middle-East, women are compelled to put on the hijab, whereafter they 
are deployed as disposable pawns in the ongoing political intrigues in the region.

The most recent case in Nigeria is the indefinite closure of the International School,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan (see here). Here, we have a private school funded strictly by the Parents,
having a Moslem lawyer as the chairperson of the Parents-Teachers Association (PTA), and another distinguished 
Moslem as the Chairman of its governing Board; yet some Islamists claim Moslems are being denied their 
fundamental human rights to attend school in hijab!  Thank God for a clear statement from the PTA denouncing 
such moves. Similarly, Lagos state has suddenly decided (mid-November 2018) that while waiting for the case 
pending in the courts to be resolved, the status-quo to maintain is that students should be free to wear the hijab
 to school!

Whereas the mainstream media are quick to advocate for the so-called hijab-denied women, 
they turn blind eyes to the several other cases where women simply want to be left to 
choose whether to put on the hijab or not. Tunisian Moslem women are an example of people 
who successfully resisted the male chauvinists.  The Iranians were not so successful.  
Shown in the picture above was the gathering of more than 100,000 Iranian women from all works of life, 
on 8th March 1979.  They were protesting the then new Islamic government’s ruling that women must put 
on a headscarf whenever they are away from home. The hijab has since become standard feature in Iran; 
and recently, an Indian athlete preferred to withdraw from a competition in Iran rather than put on a hijab. 
This remains the true response of Moslem women wherever they have the freedom to truly express 

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