Tuesday, April 12, 2016

American Leaders and Public Officials Making an Ass of the Law


Following the trend of Barack Obama, noted for by-passing the Congress or vetoing it on key decisions, other officials in the USA are desperately pushing their personal opinions, irrespective of the clear will of the people.
In Virginia State. Governor. Terry McAuliffe on March 30 announced he was vetoing a religious freedom bill providing protections for pastors and non-profit faith-based organizations who believe in biblical marriage. The bill reads in part:  “No person shall be required to participate in the solemnization of any marriage or subject to any penalty, any civil liability, or any other action by the Commonwealth, or its political subdivisions or representatives or agents, solely on account of such person’s belief, speech, or action in accordance with a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman,”.
Speaking with reporters, Bill sponsor, Sen. Charles Carrico Sr., had observed: “It’s just a matter of time, I feel, before someone tries to sue the church..I think you see a trend around the country right now to promote homosexual beliefs, and I think you see that trend happening on a wide-scale basis.”
Several Pastors and social critics have voiced their strong disappointment at the Governors “craven cowardly” action. (see here)
On another note, The attorney general of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, announced that he will not defend a recently signed law that overturned a controversial “bathroom bill” in Charlotte and banned other cities from passing similar ordinances, based on his personal opinions on homosexuality and transgenderism.
The  Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act which passed through the state legislature by wide margins and was promptly signed into law by the governor reads in part: “Public agencies shall require every multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facility to be designated for and only used by persons based on their biological sex.”  It restricts the use of public toilets and bathrooms to either Male or Female, as listed on their birth-certificate. In the US, transgenders are free to change the gender listed on their birth certificates.
The story here is that when homosexual groups led by ACLU challenged this law in Court, the State Attorney, based on his own private opinion, insisted he would not defend the State law! And this in a country where private opinions or even personal religious beliefs are considered not sufficient ground to refuse even private businesses from actively participating in homosexual and similar ceremonies – simply because “it is the law.”
Now who is going to prosecute the public prosecutor? The Law has indeed become an ass in America.

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