Thursday, February 28, 2008

Emergent doctrine suffers setback in Cedarville University

The intensity of the desperate efforts to stealthily infect Christian institutions with heretical doctrines was vividly demonstrated at Cedarville University, Ohio, US recently. Thank God, at least in this instance again, the Truth has prevailed as the authorities at that Baptist institution cancelled the invitation they had earlier given to Shane Claiborne, spokeswoman for Emergent Doctrine, to come infest the institution with her message. See details at
Cerdarville, one of the top Christian universities in the United States, is particularly noted for its creationist approach to scientific research and study, and its requirement of a Bible minor as part of all academic programs. It unabashedly boasts of its “commitment to the inerrancy and authority of Scripture” (
In recent times however, the institution has been under pressure to discard its orthodox posture and embrace Emergent and Purpose-Driven ideas as enunciated by people like Brian Mcclaren and Rick Warren. [For more on these erroneous ideas, check] For instance, two professors who had expressed disagreement with two other professors on Emergent doctrines were fired from the University last year, indicating that it was the massive interest shown by Christians that led to the change of heart by authorities at CU with respect to Ms Claiborne. For more details, see

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