Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Trump Defunds UN Population Fund Tied to Forced Abortions; Satanists intensify open spiritual war

Donald Trump has decided to end America’s financial support for the United Nations Population Fund Agency (UNPFA), specifically because that UN entity actively promotes abortion.  One of the sore points affects China, where state policy requires all pregnancies by women who already have 2 children to be aborted. See the touching story of a Chinese woman who was required to choose between aborting an 8-month pregnancy or losing her job at http://www.christianpost.com/news/chinese-woman-forced-have-abortion-8-months-husband-loses-job-167368/

              By the Trump decision, according to Bloomberg, the UNPFAwill be losing $32.5 million from the 2017 budget.  The funds will now be shifted to "similar programs at the U.S. Agency for International Development." http://www.christianpost.com/news/trump-defunds-un-population-fund-tied-to-forced-abortions-pro-lifers-elated-179463/

          In the meantime, witches, exorcists, Satanists, and occultists all over the United States (and their allies elsewhere) are fed up with Donald Trump’s unrelenting assaults on their values.  They have therefore declared open warfare.  According to information posted on their facebook page, the new agers have decided on having monthly “mass spells” designed to ‘bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.’ http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/witches-to-cast-spell-on-trump-again/.  Operating under the hashtag #BindTrump the group vowed to keep on repeating their satanic activities every month  “until Donald Trump is removed from office.”
Those participating in the spell are asked to burn a picture of Trump and visualize him “blowing apart into dust or ash.” The spell also requires an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a tiny stub of an orange candle, a pin or small nail, water, salt, a feather and an ashtray and to calls on spirits to ensure President Trump will “fail utterly.”
It’s not as if the Satanists have been cuddling the Donald all along though.  Even during his electioneering campaign and eventual meteoric rise to the White House, Satanists over and over called for curses, hex, and spells to be placed on him, to get him to commit blunders and be generally disfavoured by the voting public.  The perennial failure of these new agers to influence Trump notwithstanding, several evangelical leaders in the US are requesting for special prayer cover to provide “prayerful and magical resistance” for the  president.  Such special prayers will be fixed for especially during the crescent moons, when the occult activities are expected to be pronounced. In the US, the next crescent moons are to take place April 24 and May 23.
WND quotes Jan Markel of Olive Tree Ministries as surmising that the development “ shows that the level of hatred against Donald Trump is generated by Satan himself.”  According to Jan, “Donald Trump is not a perfect man. But he is trying to stop the runaway freight train of evil that has existed for eight years emanating out of Washington and the Democratic Party.”  Speaking in a similar vein, another prominent evangelical leader, Gallups concluded: “It’s obvious that the demonic realm is stirred by [Trump’s] presence. It’s also obvious that the antichrist agenda of the globalist community is going berserk over a Trump presidency (http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/is-globalism-actually-demonic/).